Source code for tensorlayerx.nn.layers.noise

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import tensorlayerx as tlx
from tensorlayerx import logging
from tensorlayerx.nn.core import Module

__all__ = [

[docs]class GaussianNoise(Module): """ The :class:`GaussianNoise` class is noise layer that adding noise with gaussian distribution to the activation. Parameters ------------ mean : float The mean. Default is 0.0. stddev : float The standard deviation. Default is 1.0. is_always : boolean Is True, add noise for train and eval mode. If False, skip this layer in eval mode. seed : int or None The seed for random noise. name : str A unique layer name. Examples -------- With TensorLayer >>> net = tlx.nn.Input([64, 200], name='input') >>> net = tlx.nn.Linear(in_features=200, out_features=100, act=tlx.ReLU, name='linear')(net) >>> gaussianlayer = tlx.nn.GaussianNoise(name='gaussian')(net) >>> print(gaussianlayer) >>> output shape : (64, 100) """ def __init__( self, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, is_always=True, seed=None, name=None, # 'gaussian_noise', ): super().__init__(name) self.mean = mean self.stddev = stddev self.seed = seed self.is_always = is_always self._built = True"GaussianNoise %s: mean: %f stddev: %f" % (, self.mean, self.stddev)) def __repr__(self): s = '{classname}(mean={mean}, stddev={stddev}' if is not None: s += ', name=\'{name}\'' s += ')' return s.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__) def build(self, inputs=None): pass def forward(self, inputs): if (self.is_train or self.is_always) is False: return inputs else: shapes = tlx.get_tensor_shape(inputs) noise = tlx.ops.random_normal(shape=shapes, mean=self.mean, stddev=self.stddev, seed=self.seed) outputs = inputs + noise return outputs